How To Survive High School - Tips For Your Juniors

High school is when many of our societal and psychological beliefs about ourselves and the world are formed. In this stage of life many of us are still in the "debt" loop, where we owe money, love, respect, friendship, acceptance, etc. But how to survive high school freshman year? How to survive the emotional rollercoaster that is adolescence? How to find true happiness and freedom? Here are some tips to get you started on your road to discovering yourself.

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how to survive high school freshman year


The first step on how to survive the high school freshman year is to make new friends. It's important to make new friends because this will help you survive the emotional roller coaster throughout the school year. You need to make new friends to give yourself time to grow as an individual. The most important thing to remember about friends is that they should be people who you can bounce your ideas off of and that will appreciate you for who you are. People are not necessarily like you; they have their own set of problems and concerns, so do not try to make them fit yours or they will shut you out.


Another thing to do is to put yourself out there. High school can be a very isolating experience, particularly if your parents are divorced and you are coming from a single parent household. It's very easy to become withdrawn and to try to avoid your peers, but the key is to find a way to meet new people. Join a club at your school, attend dances or try out for sports teams. Joining clubs or groups will bring you into contact with new people who will make your transition to college and beyond a little bit easier.

How to Survive High School - Tips For Your juniors


Get involved in school activities and clubs. Participate in the student newspaper, be active on campus events and clubs, and volunteer at your school or local community center. This doesn't mean you have to go to a lot of extra activity to make yourself feel better about the situation. It does, however, make you feel more a part of things and that may be enough to help you through your tough time.


Be positive in your outlook and attitude. Most students will enter college negative, but it's also true that a lot of people fail to make it because of poor decisions. Don't let your attitude or outlook get you down or make you think that you're destined for failure. Do your best in every class and on every day, and you'll have a much better chance of achieving your goals and enjoying college.


Finally, understand that there will be some ups and downs when it comes to how to survive high school. The first few months or years at college are really hard, and it's likely that you will experience some ups and downs as you sort yourself out as a young adult. That's just something that comes with the territory. The important thing to remember is that you're taking time to adjust to college life and that as long as you're not overreacting to certain events, you should be just fine.


Of course, one of the best pieces of advice on how to survive high school is to simply be who you are. Go with your gut. Listen to your heart. Try to learn from your peers and take in as much information as possible so that you can make informed decisions on what to do.


If you take these tips into consideration, you should have no problem answering the question: How to survive high school? Don't let your grades suffer because you were too worried about failing. You had to go through the steps, so you can get through this. And if you're having problems with your grades, don't let them stop you. Find a solution so that you can stay on top.

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